welcome to the cite of my tv shiow!!!!!!!!!!! i am so exited to have so meny amazing followers that luv all ma stuff!! XD i luv u all plz tell me all the things that u lik about ma stuff plz plz no h8ers u r prep if u dont like ma stufffff.....
CARDINAL (main character enegry)
Cardinal is the MC and he is the singer of a band ZOMG SO COOL and he got cool hair and he rlly cool 4 real and the band he iz in is call spare change like da money and stuffs. :3 he is a bit gay but dats okey. he is ma son.
LEON!!!!!!!! WOOOO
leon is the base player of the band. he is super hot and stuff and every1 luvs him ruff ruff bark bark meowwwwwwwwwwwww meow meow so sexy. he liks this energie drink call stargazer and especially the strawberry flavor that 1 is his fave lolololol
bridie does the drums and the violin and they keybords and the xylofone and the other instruments and sound effect and sampling and stuff. she used to be in another band called 'the end of the world and a pancake breakfast' but they kicked her out bc she is to random XD!!!!!! she iz d8ing leon.
she is the gitarist and she playz da gitarrrrrrrr!!!! she got into and accident one time :sad face: and she has sum scar but thats ok!!!! after the band breaks up she goes into another band which was there rivals the whole time GASP power moove
dick aka richard bickett
he is the manager and he kinda sux hes a real h8r. he dusnt like cardinal or max at all and he dusnt like leon and bridie is ok 2 and ishani is also ok some timez
max runz da recrod lable of what spare change is part of. he has bean running the lable wich is high contrast since 1985 or some time around that time with the first band of evinced